Summary of documents required to open an XM account.

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In this article.XMThis section explains how to submit the documents required to open an account.

XMwellCompletely free demo account versionis available, so you can try it out risk-free.

Also, XM is giving away a $30 trading bonus to anyone who opens a new account!For more information, visit the official website atPlease check from the following links.

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Documents required to open a XM account

The two documents required to open a XM account are

  • Photo ID (identity document)
  • Proof of current address (document verifying address)

A total of two pieces of ID with a photograph to prove that the application is made by the applicant and proof of current address are required.

Photo ID (identity document)

identity document

  • passport
  • resident card
  • driver's licence
  • Special Permanent Resident Certificate
  • My number card (with photograph)

Identity documents submitted for the opening of a XM account must contain the following

required entry (e.g. in online forms)

  • Name (full name)
  • Date of issue or expiry
  • Place and date of birth/tax identification number and signature of the individual.

If you are submitting a personal number card, it must be in a state that confirms your name, date of birth, photo, expiry date and the 16-digit production number in the bottom left-hand corner.

Proof of current address (document verifying address)

Address confirmation letter (issued within the last six months, except for health insurance cards).

  • Health insurance (insured person) card
  • (electricity, gas and water)
  • Credit card and bank statements/bills
  • Certificate of residence Utility bill/receipt
  • Fixed and mobile phone bills/receipts
  • tax notice
  • certificate of seal registration

*If not submitted for identification, a driver's licence or my number card is also acceptable.

The address verification documents that can be submitted for opening a XM account are generally acceptable as long as the address can be verified.

Submit your name, date of birth and current address that match the information on your XM registration.

Please note that other documents, such as residence certificates and utility bills, must be submitted within six months of the date (date) of issue.

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How to submit the documents required to open a XM account

Access the XM login page.

XM login pageAccess to.

Enter [MT4 (or 5) account number] and [password] and click[login].Click on

Enter [MT4 (or 5) account number] and [password] and click[login].Click on.

Select [Upload documents].

Top left.Click on the account name.A menu will then appear, in which you can [Upload documents]Select the following.

Submit identification and address verification by selecting the file from the [Browse] button.

When the [Identity documents] page appears, you can submit your ID and address verification documents by selecting the files from the [Browse] button.

Upload your [proof of identity (identification document)] in step 1/2 and [proof of address] in step 2/2.

When the two documents have been uploaded, click [Upload documents].

When the two documents have been uploaded, click Upload documents.

Once you have uploaded the required documents, you will receive an [Upload Completion Notification] from XM by email.

You will be contacted within 24 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, to complete the screening process.

A completion email for account activation will be sent after the review is completed.

Once the required XM documents have been submitted and reviewed, you will receive a notification from XM that your account has been activated.

Now you can use this to.The submission of the required XM documents is complete.

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This article explains how to submit the documents required to open a XM account.

XMwellCompletely free demo account versionis available, so you can try it out risk-free.

Also, XM is giving away a $30 trading bonus to anyone who opens a new account!For more information, visit the official website atPlease check from the following links.

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Click here for the official XM website.
*Now we're giving away a $30 bonus!

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